PBA 50th Anniversary Gala
PBA format needs tweaking
State of The Bowling Game
Ballard's Hall of Fame exclusion mystifying
NABI offers competitive opportunities for bowlers
Megabuck promoters jump on Super Bowl bandwagon
A genuine bowling reunion
2005 PBA Tour Trials
World Ranking Masters
The Credible and the Incredible
A visit to megabucks tournaments
My All-Time, All-Miss Team
PBA progress report
My Top 20 pet peeves
Loyal recorders bring bowling world to life
Let's not overlook the "Kokomo Kid"
as one of the all-time greats
Sandy Curtis to the rescue for senior pros
Sport Bowling?
Jowdy's Bermanisms for 2001
Are happy days here again?
Two different sports, two different mentalities
Rebel with a cause
New senior event has promising future
New event a treat for bowling
PBA's new leaders must restore prestige to its traditions
No news is good news Dec 00
AMF Lee Evans Tournament of the Americas continues to flourish
I know what's wrong with Walter Ray Aug/Sept 00
U.S. Open reflections
PBA stars make costly mistake in skipping Masters
Bowling needs more promoters like Steve Sanders
Some of us take these polls seriously! Apr/May 00
Year 2000 All-Miss Team Mar 00
Many oversights and inconsistencies in BJI polls Feb 00
Lessons to be learned from latest World Cup Jan 00
Ladewig tops my list, too Dec 99
Sport bowling will restore dignity to our game Nov 99
Golfers are cheapskates compared to bowlers Oct 99
PBA pros should stop their bellyaching Sep 99
Separating winners from also-rans Summer 99
Bad news, good news Apr/May 99
PBA's stars of the future Mar 99
Walter Ray's got the game to catch Earl Feb 99
My 1998 All-Miss Team; Philip Morris event merits praise Jan 99
Purist's dream in Las Vegas; thumbs down on "high-fives" Dec 98
Technology's influence on sports Nov 98
A plan the industry loves—but refuses to implement Oct 98
The verdict's still out on STE Oct 98
Challenge: golf's magnetic attraction Sep 98
A special get-together
Many possibilities for PBA Rookie of the Year
Bowling must alter its approach Summer 98
How high is too high? Apr/May 98
Things have begun to look brighter Mar 98
A diminishing field of "professional amateurs"? Feb 98
Bowling Inc.: The jury's still out Jan 98
A silver lining for bowling? Dec 97
How good are today's bowlers? Nov 97
Death of a friend Sep 97
The media is not the enemy Jun 97
Golf, unlike bowling, has retained its challenge May 97
Warren’s parting shot at Williams very unprofessional Apr 97
Concerns surround Brunswick World Team Challenge Mar 97
It's time for bowling to control its product Dec 96
Should bowling forget about the Olympics? Yes! Nov 96