January 1998

Strike Ten Entertainment: The jury's still out

Several years ago, the American Bowling Congress, the Women's International Bowling Congress, and the Bowling Proprietors' Association of America collaborated in one united effort to push bowling forward. Thus, the birth of Bowling Inc.

Bowling Inc. took the path of all corporations in the contemporary business world: downsizing. In the interest of simplicity and efficiency, Bowling Inc. established the Single Delivery System, a strategy that combined the overlapping duties of ABC/WIBC payrolls and reduced the costs for operating both associations. The Single Delivery System also reconstructed the tournament sanction departments of ABC/WIBC/YABA using a single application, a single certificate, and a uniform file and numbering system.

The Single Delivery System also serves as the central delivery point for the authorized products, programs, and services offered by the five non-profit bowling industry associations under the Bowling Inc. umbrella—ABC, WIBC, YABA, BPAA, and USA Bowling.

Principally speaking, the alarming loss of ABC/WIBC members over the past years, the decline of league participation, and the general lack of interest in the game prompted the formation of Bowling Inc. In its effort to rectify the situation, Bowling Inc., particularly BPAA, completed a cooperative search for an individual with ideas and concepts for moving the game forward by plucking one of America’s most successful promoters and entrepreneurs, Steve Ryan. Ryan is the former president and chief operating officer of Pittsburgh Sports and Holdings, owners and operators of the National Hockey League’s Pittsburgh Penguins.

Ryan, who was granted a three-year contract to energize the game and elevate its value and stature to the corporate business world, established Strike Ten Entertainment, a promotional branch of Bowling Inc.

Strike Ten Entertainment is funded by loans from Bowling Inc., payable in 1999 at prime interest rates. These loans are supplied by ABC, WIBC, and BPAA according to their financial assets.

To date, the jury is still out on the effectiveness and productivity of STE. Following a full year of operation, here are some of STE’s efforts.

Ryan, cognizant of the advantages of press coverage, encouraged a number of bowling writers to attend the BPAA Convention in Las Vegas. After three days of mingling with industry members, writers came away with news items that appeared in bowling magazines and tabloids throughout the country.

Ryan announced a $5 million sponsorship with Anheuser-Busch. The Budweiser pledge is greater than any previous Anheuser-Busch commitment. Budweiser has been one of bowling’s greatest supporters. It has sponsored as many as four tournaments a year for the PBA, backed the ABC Masters tournament, and supported numerous other events involving amateurs and Hall of Fame members. In addition, it has contributed untold dollars to the International Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame.

The $5 million commitment by the giant brewery is not in hard dollars, however. It is an accumulation of monies disbursed in cash, plus promotional ventures, including pin-shaped beer bottles to be sold in bowling centers.

Whether the pin-bottle was an Anheuser-Busch or Strike Ten creation, the increased involvement in a real plus for STE.

Although Anheuser-Busch is not a new supporter, STE did a bang-up, follow-through job. But, what bowling needs are new sponsors!

Ryan also announced AMF’s pledge of a $1.5 million, three-year sponsorship for the U.S. Open. The BPAA, former sponsors of this event, allowed this tournament to die in 1997.

In recent press releases, Strike Ten assumed credit for AMF’s sponsorship of the U.S. Open, yet it hardly was an STE promotion. During the Bowling Writers Association of America Convention in Huntsville, Ala., AMF trumpeted the purchases of bowling centers throughout the country, the construction of an elaborate center in Mid-town Manhattan, the addition of bowling staff members, sponsorship of the U.S. Open, and an increased involvement with the Ladies Pro Bowlers Tour—none of which were STE driven.

STE announced an agreement with MasterCard and First USA that would generate between $5 and $20 million. Are these figures realistic? ABC, WIBC, and PBA have had affiliations with credit card companies for several years. Have they realized this kind of money?

I would encourage every member of the bowling industry to request the First USA MasterCard. It is doubly advantageous for those who carry MasterCards from other sources. Simply transfer the accounts to First USA. The incredible numbers that can be generated by the bowling populace would awaken corporate America and raise eyebrows on Madison Avenue. What better way can we exhibit or establish our purchasing power?

STE also announced its first national cause-related partnership, a multi-year program with the Muscular Dystrophy Association. The $1.5 million check presented to the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon by John Sohigian, STE’s Vice President of Business Development, and Blake Usilton, general manager of marketing for Active West, Inc. (representing BPAA), and LPBT star Tammy Turner, was money raised during the past year by bowlers during MDA-sponsored "Bowling Against Dystrophy" events across the United States.

Ryan and STE took advantage of this great opportunity to enhance bowling on a national network before millions of viewers. STE rode the wave of this mighty effort and further entrenched its position in this national cause by announcing that beginning in 1998, STE and MDA will implement a program that offers proprietors a variety of creative ways to raise funds for "Jerry’s Kids." A tie-in with LPBT also is being developed for 1998.

Other STE news included new leagues for increasing membership:

Roll N’ Bowl – youths joining a league receive in-line skates or a skateboard as part of the new extreme sports fad.

Get Away Vacation League – for seniors and families because they enjoy traveling. League members receive a free-night, four-day vacation at one of 35 destinations. These are very progressive ideas and surely will increase activity in the game. STE gets top grades for these innovations.

NFL League – partner with the National Football League to have leagues tied to the NFL. League members would receive NFL-logoed merchandise and have NFL team names. Great idea!

Bike and Bowl – league members receive a free bike at the conclusion of the league. Great plan for kids’ participation!

Family Fun Time – partner with Crayola, which is recognized by all kids. Tie in with Crayola Magazine, with kids receiving a new ball and bag when joining leagues. Super idea for enticing kids.

Although STE continues to issue impressive press releases, several issues are questionable.

Despite the enormous deductions in ABC/WIBC operational costs, how do these figures stack up against the gigantic expenditures being disbursed by STE, particularly the addition of high-salaried personnel that dwarf the meager wages of former employees of ABC/WIBC?

To date, how many league bowlers have STE lured into the game?

Furthermore, if STE fails to deliver the expected, how will Bowling Inc. recover the millions of dollars being allocated and dispensed by STE?

Assuming a positive attitude, it may be a bit premature to expect any significant and meaningful inroads at this time. Yet, over one year has elapsed … and time is of the essence!