Why is that extra hole on the side of the bowling ball? Mar 99
Gift ideas for your favorite bowlers Dec 98
Storm's El Niño: a most versatile bowling ball Nov 98
A review of some new equipment Oct 98
Keys to ball track reading Sep 98
Recently-released bowling balls—
a mini-review
Apr/May 98
Communication a key to obtaining correct equipment Mar 98
Bowling ball surface maintenance Feb 98
Bowling styles and ball reactions Dec 97
AMF scores with AMFORCE series Nov 97
The basic science of bowling ball physics III Oct 97
The basic science of bowling ball physics II Sep 97
The basic science of bowling ball physics I Jun 97
Bowling myths Apr 96
Hook: It's how and when—not how much Dec 95
Building your arsenal Nov 95
Which balls did the pros use on TV? Nov 94
Sticky thumbs, break points, and "reactive" balls Oct 94
Drifting, bracing, and hooking Sep 94
Drilling for a spinner May 94
Ball surface and surface texture Apr 94
Equipment for different conditions Mar 94
Proper ball fit Feb 94
Keeping your hand behind the ball Jan 94