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Bowl Magazine


34 final average sheets overdue:
Is your league among the missing?

Marc David (Las Vegas Review-Journal):
Neff rolls way to title

Matt Fiorito (Detroit Free Press):
Detroit's Bembow rolls a 300
in WIBC Tournament

Marc David (Las Vegas Review-Journal):
Kansan rolls with degree of success

Henry Fankhauser (The Journal):
White House bowlers do it again

Matt Fiorito (Detroit Free Press):
Much left to settle
at Junior Masters tourney

Walt Steinsiek's Cartoon of the Week

Chuck Pezzano (The Record):
Disabled bowlers welcomed

Waldorf team new leaders at WIBC Tournament

Darrin Hill (Detroit News):
Professional women bowlers
plan tour stop in Detroit

President Vince Jozwiak:
The season ends, but the work continues

Executive Director Ray Brothers:
Burke and Falls Church to host
2002 NCABA Tournament

Richard Kolb:
Buffalo bowlers are the Cream of the Crop

Ray Brothers:
NCABA Tournament champions saluted

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