MANAGER’S MEMO / Ronald McGregor

March / April 2020

Please be aware of 2020-2021 rule changes

Last bowling season certainly ended like none other in recent memory. COVID-19 took over our lives, and we are even now dealing with the uncertainty created by not enough or, in some instances, too much information about how we can continue to do the thing we all love—I’m talking about bowling in a safe manner.

I am bowling in one of my leagues because the center personnel made me feel like they had my best interests at heart in allowing for an open pair of lanes between pairs as well as stressing mask wearing. True, there aren’t any hugs, but there is still some trash talking, so I am okay.

Quite a few leagues opted to wait until January to start back up, and it is great that the centers are cooperating in allowing for this option.

There aren’t any surprises from a USBC standpoint: The membership dues are still the same as last season, and everyone should be aware of the situation concerning holes in the bowling ball. This has been talked about for almost two years, so no excuses. The ball is considered illegal if there is a weight hole in it, and this will result in the game(s) being forfeited if discovered.

It is very important that secretaries send in their league registration and membership information ASAP. We need to plan for tournaments and won’t be able to set up the events if we get registrations late. If you are looking for ways to have as little contact with the membership/registration process, you can apply for a membership on the site.

I am sure you are reminded often to be safe and to wear your mask. Please take this advice to heart and hopefully keep the virus at bay so we can return to league bowling in a big way.

Ronald McGregor can be reached via eMail.