Cheryl McGraw Sponaugle has been active in all aspects of bowling since she was introduced to the sport in 1990. Her enthusiasm for the game has been non-stop.

Upon arriving back in Northern Virginia in 1991, she bowled with her sister in the (Rinaldi’s) Shirley Park Strikers league. The following year, she put together an entire team for the league and started helping out at the front desk of the center. She then began organizing leagues and acted as secretary and treasurer until the leagues got established. Whether at the desk or on the floor, Cheryl always handed out flyers of upcoming events, talked with people, and constantly promoted the sport of bowling. She was persistent in trying to sanction leagues, and she expended lots of time and effort into organizing youth leagues. Arlington County and the city of Alexandria sponsored youth bowling programs at Shirley Park during the summer.

In 1995, Cheryl received her food management certification to order and manage the snack bar. She became a troubleshooter for the Brunswick management computer systems and maintained all system updates. She learned to work on Brunswick A-2 pinsetters and worked on lane breakdowns when needed. She also learned the techniques of stripping and oiling the lanes. Later that year, she became assistant manager and filled in for the disabled general manager.

In 1996, Cheryl declined an offer to become general manager. Instead, she took an office position outside of bowling but continued to work nights and weekends at Shirley Park until the center closed in February 2001. The Shirley Park Strikers league, for which Cheryl serves as secretary/treasurer, continues today at AMF Alexandria.

In April 1999, Cheryl, at the urging of many friends, became a WDCAWBA director. She diligently serves the association through her many efforts of volunteerism. She has served on the following committees: Publicity, Budget, City Tournament, Women and Girls in Sports, Roving Trophy, and Awards. She has chaired the following committees: Secretary of the Year, 3 C’s, Policies and Procedures, and Hall of Fame (twice). She completely refurbished the Roving Trophy, and when the association needed a copier, Cheryl made arrangements with Pitney Bowes to provide a free copier with a delivery charge as WDCAWBA’s only cost.

She supported the association’s Web site from the beginning and recently helped to ensure that the biographies of all current Hall of Famers appear on the site.

On the lanes, her best average is 188, with a high game of 289 and a high series of 728.

Cheryl McGraw Sponaugle always promotes bowling wherever she goes. Even though she would rather work behind the scenes, she has made valuable contributions and is a definite asset to the asssociation. Her positive attitude, achievements, and successes in the sport she truly loves have earned her a treasured spot in the WDCAWBA Hall of Fame.

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