Lorenzo “Zone” Holland was first introduced to bowling while serving in the United States Marine Corps. It was here that he developed his love for bowling while receiving instructions from legendary bowler Don Carter.
In 1996, after serving 22 years in the Marine Corps, Zone returned home to Calvert County in Southern Maryland, where he became a fixture on Saturdays as a youth bowling coach. Having no kids of his own in the bowling program, he has dedicated every Saturday since then to coaching youth bowlers of all ages. In addition, he is more than willing to provide instruction to adult bowlers of all skill levels to those who ask.
Zone's passion and dedication to youth bowlers of all ages and skill levels has resulted in him starting additional bowling clinics that are held on Sunday mornings and Wednesdays afternoons. These additional clinics have resulted in having numerous youth bowlers bowl perfect games during both regular league play and during youth tournaments.
During these sessions, youth bowlers are exposed to many different lane conditions and oil patterns in which he instructs them on how to attack the pattern. Beyond the additional instructional sessions developed and managed by Zone, he constantly searches for tournament and scholarship information to pass on to his youth bowlers. This has resulted in one of his students receiving a full bowling scholarship to Indiana Tech University. Zone will take the time at his own expense to travel both locally as the youth travel team coach and nationally to watch and instruct his youth bowlers while they are competing in numerous tournaments. Additionally, Zone serves as the Director/Coach for Lord Calvert Bowl's Youth Travel league.
Zone assists the youth bowlers with numerous fund-raising events to help offset the costs of the out-of-state tournaments. Some of the fund-raisers include “50/50s” and bowling ball raffles.
For over 32 years, Zone has promoted the sport of bowling to both youth and adults by dedicating his time and passing on his passion for the sport. He is willing to go above and beyond to assist anyone who is interested in learning the sport. This includes obtaining at his own expense the Bronze Level Coaching Certification so he can better coach and instruct his students. He also has held the position of president in numerous leagues.
In addition to his passionate dedication to the sport through coaching, Zone is an accomplished bowler himself, as his record includes 11 perfect games and three 800 series.
The youth bowlers that are our future will continue to carry on the passion of our sport. It is coaches like Lorenzo “Zone” Holland that pass on the knowledge and passion to our future adult competitors. An honored place awaits him in the NCAUSBCA Hall of Fame.
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