November / December 2012

Helping those who served: Support the BVL

Most leagues should be reaching the one-third mark of their 30- to 35-week schedule. Prize funds should have been adopted more than a month ago, and the Audit Committee reviewed the league finances at least once (if not twice). League presidents: You need to ensure these duties are happening.

It’s time to shift the focus to something very near and dear to this association, and that is BVL (Bowlers to Veterans Link), the only national sports organization dedicated to providing programs to our wounded and disabled veterans. BVL helps provide recreational equipment as well as arts and crafts materials for those who have served our country and fought for the freedoms that we enjoy each and every day. BVL also supports the nationally recognized entertainment troupe “Re-Creation”, which visits hundreds of hospitals every year. I have personally enjoyed performances of “Re-Creation” at the USBC Convention, so I can’t begin to imagine the effect they have on our veterans. These are just two examples of how BVL funds are used.

This year marks the third in which we conducted an association mixed tournament in support of BVL, to where part of the proceeds will be donated. This year’s venture added a singles event.

Over the years, the Nation’s Capital Area USBC has been the top contributor amongst local associations in the country. Although we have fallen short of that top spot the last couple of years, we are always appreciative of the donations we receive from our membership to serve those who have served us.

So how can you help? In the near future, your lane representatives will visit the centers to collect donations for BVL. You can make an individual donation or your league can make a donation from a special collection or special events proceeds—ask your league officers and offer to coordinate the endeavor. You can also solicit pledges for BVL through either a flat fee or based on an amount per pin using a series bowled in your league; we will be happy to eMail you a pledge sheet.

To learn more about BVL, the programs it supports, and how you can get involved, visit their Web site.

One additional thought as we head into winter, and this area recently having endured severe weather: Remember to keep things in perspective. As I wrote in my June 2011 column, life does not adhere to the weekly regiment of your league. It is our sport, but just that—a game that allows fellowship and competition. Life itself is most important; the games can wait. Please do your best to be flexible with teams experiencing duress.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.

May you strike out often and be spared of any splits.