December 2010 / January 2011

Many activities await: Time to mark your calendar

As the 2010 calendar year comes to a close, most 2010-2011 winter leagues should be reaching the halfway point of their season. League secretaries should be submitting awards and league presidents verifying the treasury on a regular basis. Although circumstances beyond the control of the association have presented their challenges, the staff is working as hard as Santa’s elves to get those awards entered, processed, and in the hands of the league secretaries.

The start of a new calendar year is the time to get signed up for tournaments and other bowling-related activities in the spring. The forms for the NCAUSBCA Open and Women’s Championships should be available at all the bowling centers that we serve, as well as here.

I was asked a couple of weeks ago by someone in my men’s league, showing a marked improvement in his game, what tournament would be good for first-time participation. Naturally, our association tournament is a great first event because (1) it is local; (2) it runs over the course of multiple weekends so there is plenty of flexibility with squad dates and times; and (3) it provides a great opportunity to grow as a competitive bowler.

So if you plan to make any bowling-related resolutions for 2011, add “Participate in the Local Association Tournament” to that list and download an entry form or pick one up at your local bowling center. Also include on that list “Attend the Annual Meeting,” which is scheduled for February 27 at Bowl America Gaithersburg.

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.

The holiday season is a time to celebrate and be with family, friends, and loved ones. Whether you are packing up the car for travel or people are coming to you, please be safe in your ventures.

More importantly, please keep in your prayers those who cannot be with their families at this time of year, especially those servicemen and women who continue to put their lives on the line to protect our freedom, and those who suffered loss in 2010 as they prepare for their first holiday season without their loved ones.

I will close by wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year.