Summer 2010

A final word or two

This is the last time I will have the pleasure of writing to you as president of your association. By now, your league secretary should have submitted the final averages form to the association office, and the payouts should have been made.

Meanwhile, the office staff primarily is entering averages into the association database in preparation of getting the Annual Averages book ready for printing.

Speaking of work, there is still a lot of work to be done in getting the board of the United States Bowling Congress to understand that we the bowlers are the organization, not them. The message started at the convention this year by the number of proposals that were defeated, and there was an outcry from the delegates. (See voting results)

The USBC board also has to step up its game with the Web site, This site is the primary line of communication with the members, and we cannot afford the number of problems we have had to continue in to the future.

As at Bowling Headquarters, we still deal with growing pains, such as the way we handle the collections for BVL. We have not done well as of late and know we started a new endeavor with Bowl for the CureŽ. Next season, I hope we can come to a balance and do well for both of them.

The future holds many unknowns; I hope we as an association can continue to go forward and keep this game that we love great.

I have mixed feelings in leaving this position, but I will continue to help the office staff when they need it.

In closing, it not goodbye but rather, See you on the lanes or fairways. Hope you have a good summer and bowl well in any tournaments in which you participate.

E-mail Kirk S. Williams