November 2006

Mark your calendars:
annual meeting set for January 14

By now, your leagues should be well under way, and I hope everything is running smoothly. I want to share with you what is going on with your local association.

Our logo has been approved by USBC Headquarters, and we have been changing over to the new logo in our publications, stationery, and Web site. We are working on our new local awards program, but until we are able to purchase the new awards with our new logo, we will continue to use our existing inventory of awards and interim awards to ensure bowlers receive proper recognition for their achievements.

I would like to extend my congratulations to Sterling Ragsdale, Tom Allen, and Bill Grover, our new association Hall of Fame inductees. All three of these gentlemen have made valuable contributions to bowling in the Washington, D.C. area and are welcome additions to the Hall of Fame.

We just concluded our Senior Tournament and are planning for our three major tournaments. The Youth Championship tournament will be held in February at Bowl America Woodbridge. Our Women’s Championship tournament will be held in March at Bowl America Falls Church, and our Open Championship tournament will be held in April at AMF Alexandria and AMF Annandale. Entry forms will be available soon at your bowling center.

November is BVL (Bowlers to Veterans Link) Month. Representatives from our association will canvass your leagues to collect funds for the BVL Fund drive. The Bowlers to Veterans Link is a national nonprofit charitable organization that raises about $1 million annually to fund a variety of recreational equipment and therapeutic supplies for America’s veterans. For more information, please visit their Web site.

We will have an annual membership meeting on January 14, 2007. I encourage all bowlers from the association to attend and hope that all of our leagues send at least one representative to this important meeting. Attendance is open to anyone holding a local membership card.

The main purpose of the annual meeting is to elect officers and directors for the following season, elect delegates to state meetings and the USBC national convention, and vote on any proposed rule and bylaw changes for our local association. We will notify all leagues and post a notice on our Web site once the location is finalized.

Any association member who is interested in serving on the NCAUSBCA board of directors can fill out an application for the board. We are accepting applications until December 1. An application is available here and from our office.

We will elect a total of 12 directors and all officers at the meeting. We also will vote on delegates to represent our association at the 2007 USBC Convention March 28-31 in Nashville.

In addition, there are four positions up for election on our Youth Committee that serve on the board of directors. These youth positions will be elected at the youth representation meeting, which will be held immediately before the annual meeting. All youth leagues are entitled to send one league official and one youth bowler to the youth representation meeting.

For the latest events within NCAUSBCA, regularly visit this site. Please don’t hesitate to contact me.

In closing, I hope your 2006-07 season is productive and rewarding, and I hope to see you at one of our events this season.