November 2005

NCABA to reevaluate relationship
with Virginia State Bowling Assn.

Well, hello again. I recently returned from Virginia State Bowling Association (VSBA) meetings in Lynchburg that were most interesting. The biggest change proposed there that concerns our members is an assessment of one dollar per person that would be included in the membership dues starting next season.

In addition, VSBA no longer wants to base delegate representation according to association membership; instead, it feels that three delegates for each local association is sufficient and fair. Your NCABA board does not agree with this and believes that each association should have one delegate per thousand members, which is the allotment the United States Bowling Congress permits at its annual meeting.

In any case, we will investigate what options, if any, we have concerning both matters.

We are going to try something new: Some of the honor scores will be mailed directly to the secretary, who then can have the lane director present it to the bowler. We hope this will get the awards to the bowlers faster.

By now, you should be well into your league, and all committees should be filled. I can only hope that everything is running smoothly. As always, feel free to drop me a line if you have an idea on how we can improve or what you might like to see in the merged association as we continue to work towards its creation.

E-mail Kirk S. Williams