Summer 2011

Bowling is our sport, but it is just that—
life is precious

As the 2010-2011 bowling “year” comes to a close, so does my term as president of your association.

A fatal accident recently occurred that claimed the lives of two former members of my Thursday winter league and hospitalized a third. As secretary, I am the central point of contact and had the unenviable task of passing details to everyone about the incident, funeral arrangements, and such. It gave me the chance to reflect on what really matters most: life.

This past spring, my men’s winter league team missed a session as we were all flying back from the USBC Open Championships on the evening of the league. That session happened to be a position round, precluding us from giving our opponents advance notice before leaving for Reno. Our opponents got upset because it was a position round. We eventually worked it out, but as I look back on that today, it doesn’t seem nearly as important in the overall scheme of things.

As you move forward into the 2011-2012 bowling season and attend your organizational meetings, please try and keep things in perspective when you adopt rules, especially with respect to postponements. Indeed, it is a commitment for 35 weeks, and we do everything we can to preserve that. However, life does not adhere to that weekly commitment. We need to be flexible and understand that while bowling is our sport, it is just that—a game that allows us to be with and compete against others every week. Life itself is more precious, and the events within life are more important; the games can wait.

It has been my pleasure to serve as president of your association for the 2010-2011 bowling season. On August 1, Jane Andrews will begin her first term as your president. Please give her the support that you all have accorded me and the presidents before me.

As always, feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or comments. May you strike out often and be spared of any splits.