EditPad Classic User's Guide

Your Guide to the Best Postcardware Text Editor on Earth

For the latest information on EditPad Classic, check out the author's home page at http://www.EditPad Classicclassic.com/.


EditPad Classic is a text editor, a replacement for the standard Windows NotePad.
EditPad Classic requires Windows 95 or later to run. No additional DLLs or whatever are required.

Note that EditPad Classic is a finished project. No enchancements will ever be made to it. Only if any serious bugs would be found, it will be updated. EditPad Classic has been superceded by EditPad Lite and EditPad Pro. These versions are the result of redeveloping EditPad from scratch and have many interesting new features (certainly EditPad Pro), while still remaining as fast and compact as EditPad Classic. EditPad Lite and EditPad Pro are available at http://www.EditPadLite.com and http://www.EditPadPro.com respectively.

It has a some very interesting features:


EditPad Classic is copyright © 1996-2000, by Jan Goyvaerts.

The software (EditPad Classic) is provided "as is". In no event shall I, the author, be liable for any consequential, special, incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the delivery, performance or use of this software. This software has been written with great care but I do not warrant that the software is error free. You may not attempt to reverse compile, modify, translate or disassemble the software in whole or in part.

You may freely give copies of EditPad Classic to others, as long as the software is unmodified. You may not change a single bit, you may not exclude any files or add any to the package and you may not make EditPad Classic part of another package. You may not charge any money for the copying and/or distribution of EditPad Classic, also not for EditPad Classic itself.

EditPad Classic is postcardware. You are allowed to install EditPad Classic and to try it out for a short while (a week or two), but if you want to continue using it you are kindly requested to "pay" by sending the author a nice postcard to the address shown below. A postcard is a piece of thick paper with a pretty picture on one side (showing something about where you live, what you do, what you like, etc.) and some nice words written by the sender on the other side. I collect postcards. Only real ones, not the electronic/virtual version. Used phone cards are also welcome, as my sister collects them.

After your postcard has arrived, you are allowed to use EditPad Classic for as long and as much as you want, without any other cost. You also have the right then to update your copy of EditPad Classic when new versions come out. If you mention your email address very clearly on the postcard, I will send you a message when I receive your postcard.

Please note that this "payment" is strictly personal. Everyone who uses EditPad Classic has to register, even if someone else installed it on your computer or if you found it on some CD-ROM you bought. (You paid for the CD, not for EditPad Classic.)

Even if EditPad Classic seems to be a simple application, writing it was not a very easy task. So if you like it, send me a nice postcard. If everyone would say "thank you" when someone else did or said something nice, this world would be a much better place.

If you feel that EditPad Classic is definitively worth some money, feel free to put your postcard in an envelope and include a few dollars (or your local currency). This will surely encourage me to go on with the development of new EditPad versions. You may also want to buy a license to EditPad Pro, available at http://www.EditPadPro.com

Send your postcards to this address:

   Jan Goyvaerts
   Lerrekensstraat 5
   2220 Heist-op-den-Berg


Simply put a copy of EditPad Classic.exe on your hard disk somewhere (e.g.: c:\Program Files) and run it.

A dialog box displaying the license agreement will pop up. Read the entire text carefully.
If you agree with it, check the little box below and click on the button below.
If you do not agree with it, click on the button below to terminate EditPad Classic.

If you agreed, you will see the EditPad Classic window with an empty text opened, named "Untitled".
Don't bother about it, just pick Options|Configure from the menu.

A small dialog box will pop up. Check the options you like and click on OK.

That's all there is to it.

If you change your mind later about which options you like, simply repeat the above procedure. More preferences can be set using the Options|Preferences command.

If you wish to replace the version of EditPad Classic you have currently installed with a newer one, simply replace the old EditPad Classic.exe on your hard disk with the new one. No other actions are necessary.


There should never be any reason to do so. If you wish to update EditPad Classic to the latest version, simply replace the old EditPad Classic.exe on your hard disk with the new one.
However, uninstalling EditPad Classic is an easy thing to do.

Run EditPad Classic and pick Options|Configure from the menu.

Click on the Uninstall button in the dialog box that pops up. This will remove all shortcuts that EditPad Classic installed and will also clean any information stored in the registry by EditPad Classic.

Close EditPad Classic and delete EditPad Classic.exe from your hard disk.









Use the items in this menu when things are getting desparate. :-)


The status bar at the bottom of the main window displays the following information, from left to right:


This window shows up when you pick the Preferences command from the Options menu.


This window shows up when you pick Configure from the Options menu.


This window shows up when you pick Edit|Find and Replace from the menu. You do not have to close it to switch back to EditPad Classic's main window.

First, you can specify the search options:

Then you can hit one of the buttons to start searching (and replacing).


The EditPad Classic command line syntax is as follows:

You can put several filenames on the command line and long filenames are supported. However, you cannot use any wildcards like * and ?.

The /p command line parameter will instruct EditPad Classic to print the files instead of opening them. This parameter is used by the Print action associated with text files after you have used the Configure command in the Options menu and have selected to associate EditPad Classic with text files.

When you try to run EditPad Classic while another copy is already running, the new copy will simply make the existing window pop up. If you want a second window, you need to specify the /newinstance parameter. (This is what the New Editor command from the View menu does.)


Q: I downloaded another version of EditPad Classic (newer version, different language), but when I try to run it, I keep getting the old version.

A: You did not overwrite the old EditPad Classic.exe with the new one. Pick Find|Files or Folders from the Windows Start Menu and search for EditPad Classic.exe. Select all but one items found and hit the Delete button on the keyboard.
Then double-click on the one EditPad Classic.exe left to run it. Select Options|Configuration from the menu and click on OK to update all the shortcuts to point to the correct EditPad Classic.exe

Q: When I try to run EditPad Classic, it shows up all right but I cannot enter any text or open files.

A: First make sure that you are running either Windows 95/98, Windows NT 4 or Windows NT 3.51 Service Release #5 with the new shell installed.
Then, make sure that your Windows installation is still intact. Some applications seem to remove riched32.dll from the Windows\System directory.
If this file is missing or has somehow been corrupted, EditPad Classic will not work properly and you will have to restore it from a backup or your original Windows CD.

Q: EditPad Classic does not seem to remember any settings I made.

A: EditPad Classic requires either Windows 95/98, Windows NT 4 or Windows NT 3.51 Service Release #5 with the new shell installed. Windows 3.1 will not work.
If you are on a network or multi-user system, make sure EditPad Classic has sufficient rights to write to \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JG\EditPad Classic in the registry.
Also, you may try picking File|Exit in EditPad Classic to force it to save its settings.

Q: Some applications still use NotePad instead of EditPad Classic.
Why? Can I change this?

A: These applications execute NotePad directly, instead of running the program associated to text files.
You can fix this by renaming EditPad Classic.exe to NotePad.exe and putting it in your Windows directory, overwriting the old NotePad.exe. If you want to keep a backup copy of NotePad, do not rename it but make a copy of it. If you rename NotePad.exe to something else, Windows will try to be smart and update all file associations to the renamed NotePad.exe, defeating the purpose of renaming EditPad Classic.exe to NotePad.exe
Then run the new NotePad.exe (EditPad Classic), pick Options|Configure from the menu and click on OK to update the EditPad Classic links to the new exe.

Q: I cannot switch to other applications when EditPad Classic is running, unless I minimize it.

A: Turn off Options|Stay On Top


EditPad Classic User's Guide - Version 3.5.3 - Updated August 6th, 2000
Copyright © 1997-2000, by Jan Goyvaerts.