MANAGER’S MEMO / Ronald McGregor

Summer 2013

Getting ready for the new season

The office currently is working on getting the league kits ready for distribution to the centers starting August 1. The league kit contains: league application, Annual Averages book, two rule books, membership application cards, and various forms that also can be found on

The association tournament season is almost upon us, beginning with the 32nd Annual Senior Tournament October 19-20 and 26-27 at Parkland Bowl, followed by the 4th Annual Mixed Tournament in Support of BVL on November 9-10 and 16-17 at Bowl America Shirley. Come out and join in the fun, and let’s make the 2013-2014 tournament season a great one.

Some of the changes for the upcoming season:

NCAUSBCA’s premier event, the Hall of Fame, is set for October 5, 2013 at Club Meade on Fort Meade. Last year’s event was the best attended in recent memory with four inductees; this year, there are five -- Donny Carr, Dena Kearney, Dean Ryan, Gregory L. Turner, and Terry Wiley. Come out and support our new inductees, and let’s make this a really special event.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to attend the jamborees/league officer meetings. This is the time to go over things that caused problems last season, meet and establish a rapport with your lane representative, and change or amend league rules, etc.

We maintain a list of unpaid bowlers on our Web site. Secretaries will want to check this list regularly to make sure your league bowlers are not on this list. USBC shortly will begin instituting suspension procedures for any bowlers that have not paid membership for the 2012-2013 season.

Lastly, we seek assistance from bowlers who have skills as Web designers and fund raisers to see what we can do to improve the products the association has to offer.

eMail Ronald McGregor