December 2005 / January 2006

Merger work continues; tournaments forthcoming

It is already December. Time sure flies when there is a lot of work.

In addition to the office work and being appointed to the transition committee for the merger, I am now on the subcommittee that is charged with deciding whether to come up with a new association name or keep one of the existing names. If you have any suggestions, drop me a line or call me.

The schedule for the merger is that everything must be done by June 1, 2006, and the charter application must be submitted by May 31. We are going to be extremely busy getting this done.

The meeting to elect the board of the new association will be held on February 26, 2006 at 1 p.m. All members of all three associations are eligible to attend (YABA members must be at least 14 years of age) and vote on all issues. The tentative location is the Holiday Inn on Eisenhower Avenue in Alexandria, so if you have time, please attend so that you have a say in the next association.

Most leagues are coming to the midway point, and by this time the audit committee should have done at least one audit and is getting ready to do another one. This is in addition to the responsibilities of the league president.

Some leagues are still having problems with postponements. If the president would appoint a postponement committee and have all pre-bowling and post-bowling approved by that committee, most of these problems would disappear.

I have noticed that secretaries are having trouble with the USBC awards. The awards have changed from what you are used to ordering. The senior awards have been eliminated, and other requirements have changed.

Study the awards sheet we sent you with the league kit. If you have questions, please contact the office, and we will be glad to help with your questions. We are also learning, so we might not be really sure, but we will find out for you.

The applications for the 2006 NCABA Championship Tournament have been distributed to the centers and some of the pro shops in the area. The team event will be held at Bowl America Bull Run, and the doubles and singles will be at Bowl America Dranesville. We only have space for 360 teams this year, so get your entries in early. The dates are March 25-26 and April 1-2 and 8-9.

Two weeks after we have completed that tournament, the Virginia State Tournament will start, so we have a couple of great tournaments for your enjoyment in the area this year.

I hope you have completed your shopping for the holidays. If not, and you are looking for gifts for bowlers, please consider our advertisers. They help us publish this magazine.

This is the season for compassion and goodwill toward men. Please remember those not as fortunate as yourself and those who have had their lives turned upside down by Mother Nature’s fury.

Let me wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

E-mail Ray Brothers