Summer 2005

Prize checks (are) out;
final averages (should be) in

The 60th annual Nation’s Capital Area Bowling Association Championship Tournament is now history, and we have mailed the checks to the winners. If you received one, congratulations; if you didn’t, better luck next year.

The 2004-2005 winter season is now complete. Now is the time of the year that we make our appeal to all league secretaries to submit the final averages of their leagues to the association office(s) so that they can be included in our annual average book. The averages were due by June 17, so if you haven’t already submitted them, please do so now. If there are female ABC members in your league, be sure to include their averages on the list. Secretaries are reminded that ABC/WIBC Rule 102e requires secretaries to send averages to the local associations. Failure to do so could result in suspension charges being brought against the offending secretaries. Sum

Summer leagues are now being processed. If you have submitted your league’s sanction application and have not heard from us by the end of June, please contact the office, for something is out of kilter. A new era starts August 1, 2005. All members, men and women, will now belong to the same organization, the United States Bowling Congress; however, bowlers will no longer be sanctioned, they will be certified. It seems that some feel being sanctioned has a negative meaning. We have been negative for over 100 years, so I guess it has now been corrected.

I want to thank Assistant Executive Director Ray Webb, Administrative Assistant Jackie Dunn, Treasurer Ralph Hayward, and BOWL Magazine editor Bob Cosgrove for the support they have given me; it made my job a whole lot easier. They have all worked hard and complained little. Thanks also to the association officers, directors, and life members of the board of directors. These individuals spend countless volunteer hours working for the members of the NCABA.

I hope that you have a very enjoyable summer and come back in the fall all set to knock the slop out of the pins.

E-mail Ray Brothers