November 2006

Forfeits cannot arise from bad weather

A lot happens in November: The leaves all turn to some really beautiful colors, we collect money for the veterans, and soon the great smell of Thanksgiving dinner will fill all our kitchens—lots of good food, football games (not the Skins, I hope), and good times spent with families. When you sit down to eat and give thanks, remember those not as lucky as you.

With fall and winter comes some bad weather. Just a reminder: You cannot forfeit games of teams that don’t show because of bad weather. Just because some teams braved the conditions, it doesn’t mean everyone has the courage to do so.

It took the office a while to get started on the processing of leagues on account of our not being able to get all three former association databases merged into one. Several glitches caused delays and just about gave the office staff ulcers. Everything is now running at full steam, and we are quickly catching up with all league applications received.

On November 4, three very good friends, Bill Grover, Tom Allen, and Sterling Ragsdale, will be inducted into our association’s Hall of Fame. Congratulations to all three. These three men have done a great deal for bowling in this area.

I want to remind all of you that the office is open on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to serve those of you who can’t make it to the office during the week.

If you have any questions on rules, call or E-mail me, and I will provide an answer and perhaps include it in this column so everyone can benefit.

Happy Thanksgiving!