April/May 2004

Returning to business as usual

We have finally settled into our new offices. Our telephones are working fairly well. We purchased a newfangled system, and some of us are too old to catch on to the new properties of the modern digital telephone.

On a somewhat related matter, we only recently had our original broadband Internet service made available to us again after a most frustrating delay. We had been told that the provider at our former location would not be able to serve us at our present location. Only later, while awaiting a territorial survey to be performed by a competing provider, did we learn that the earlier information was incorrect.

The winter season is coming to an end. Secretaries have been notified that final averages are due at the end of the league or June 20, 2004, whichever comes first. They also are reminded that this is one of their most important duties. The averages are used for some leagues and by bowlers who travel to tournaments.

We are working with WDCAWBA to put together the summer sanctioning kits. If your league does not receive yours, call us; we will send one your way.

At season’s end, there is always some interpretation of the rules needed. For example, Rule 117b—Prize Qualification—states that games bowled by a substitute who later becomes a regular member in a league shall count towards the required number of games to qualify for individual awards. However, scores bowled as a sub shall not qualify for individual awards, and, to qualify for high average, all required games must be bowled as a regular member.

If you have questions about the rules, please contact me. If I don’t know the answer, I will find out for you.

E-mail Ray Brothers