MANAGER’S MEMO / Ronald McGregor

January / February 2019

Does your league have
a postponement committee?

I hope your league has completed at least one audit of the league finances—better to be safe than sorry.

This is the time of the season when weather can disrupt the league schedule, so please err on the side of safety and allow for postponements and makeup games. We’ve had a reasonably mild winter so far, but the prediction is for two more storms before old man winter takes a vacation. A postponement committee avoids the possibility of favoritism.

Tournaments: I would like to encourage every league in the association to enter at least one team in the association tournaments. Wow! Talk about the glory days of bowling; that would be some sight to behold.

Our December 2018 fund-raiser based on Virginia’s daily “Pick 3” game is over, and checks have been mailed. The event raised $3,100 that will be used to fund the NCAUSBCA awards program. Thanks to all who supported this activity.

Reminder to all league secretaries to submit awards for your bowlers. Award forms can be found here.

eMail Ronald McGregor