MANAGER’S MEMO / Ray Brothers

Summer 2011

A familiar request: Please let’s
get those final averages in

I have an urgent request for all secretaries of winter leagues: If you haven’t sent in your leagues final averages, please do so immediately. The sooner we get all the averages, the sooner we can have the average books printed. The sooner they are printed, the sooner we can get them to you.

The checks for the Open Tournament were sent to the team captains the last week in May. It took a little longer this year, as we carefully checked that everyone followed the rules of the tournament as well as USBC rules. I am happy to say we sent out checks that amounted in excess of $48,000 to some talented (or lucky) bowlers.

Summer leagues are being received at the office at a good rate; however, some mistakes are being made. The most prevalent error is the cost of a membership. As a reminder to secretaries, the cost of a membership card this year is $21.

At the end of July, Bob Ashley’s term as president will come to an end. It has been a pleasure working with him, and I am sure he will keep working for the association. Jane Andrews will become president on August 1, 2011, and I know she will do an excellent job and will be very accessible to the office.

Summer is the time for traveling; be very careful if you drive anywhere. Have a nice summer, and remember to join a league this fall.

Contact Ray Brothers