MANAGER’S MEMO / Ray Brothers

February / March 2010

Snow creates issues for most leagues

Winter is finally here; if you have any doubts, just look out the window. There are piles of snow all over the place.

All of the snow has created issues for most leagues, which have had to postpone weekly sessions because of the weather. The problem arises when it comes to making up the week(s) missed.

Everyone has a different idea how it should be done. Some want to just forget the weeks missed and not reschedule them.

Just keep in mind, however, that once the schedule has been set, it becomes part of the league rules and cannot be changed unless 100 percent of the team captains agree to it in writing.

Also remember, the league has a contract with the center to bowl so many weeks. An agreement has to be reached with the center before dropping weeks from the schedule.

Incidentally, on February 2 at 6:05 a.m., Punxsutawney Phil, the legendary groundhog known as the “Seer of Seers,” saw his shadow. Legend has it that if he sees his shadow, we will have six more weeks of winter. So beware of more snow and cold weather.

It is tournament time:

We hope all of you will participate in at least one of these tournaments. I am sure you will enjoy the experience.

E-mail Punxsutawney, Pa.-native Ray Brothers