(EDITOR'S NOTE: Clues 15 and 25 have been changed and appear below with their correct answers, as does the proper wording for clue 3.)
1. Rolled NCABA's first 800 series Jan. 7, 1980 at McLean Bowling Center -- Tony SUTPHIN
2. First father-son combination in NCABA Hall of Fame -- Butch Jr. & Butch LUTHER III
3. USBC chief executive officer -- Roger DALKIN
4. Pro shop organization -- IBPSIA
5. Three consecutive strikes -- TURKEY
6. Channel -- GUTTER
7. Back-to-back Vir-Mar-District Invitational winner -- Mike MARSICO
8. Popular team scoring system -- BAKER
9. Crossover strike -- BROOKLYN
10. Young American Bowling Alliance -- YABA
11. Legendary bowling cartoonist -- Walt STEINSIEK
12. WDCAWBA secretary -- Quintennna BOONE
13. Sports Plus/Carmen Don owner -- Bruce MERRIMAN
14. Absentee bowler score -- BLIND
15. Pin that stands directly behind the other (the 8-pin in 2-8 spare combination, etc.) -- SLEEPER
16. Company began in 1845 -- BRUNSWICK
17. Bowling runway -- APPROACH
18. NCABA immediate past president -- Ronald MCGREGOR
19. Embedded aiming points -- ARROWS
20. Fail to come through under pressure -- CHOKE
21. Game with all strikes and spares -- CLEAN
22. Line played by bowler toward center of lane -- INSIDE
23. Throwing ball well out on lane, not rolling it -- LOFTING
24. Page 6 columnist -- Ray BROTHERS
25. Popular finals format often used on television -- STEPLADDER
26. Area bowling writer's career began in 1948 -- Henry FANKHAUSER
27. The Chrismans own this company -- STORM
28. Alexandria manager -- Willie WILCOX
29. Pin that rolls across lane and knocks down additional pin(s) -- MESSENGER
30. Vir-Mar-District secretary -- Shirley KING
31. Big hook player -- CRANKER
32. Neither big hook player nor stroker -- TWEENER
33. President Kirk -- WILLIAMS
34. Frame without strike or spare -- OPEN
35. Knock down remaining pins for a spare -- CONVERT
36. Remove lane finish to bare wood in preparation for recoating -- RESURFACE
37. AMF Angle was first of these balls -- URETHANE
38. Kentucky-based bowling firm -- EBONITE