January 2000

A look back, a look ahead;
Oh, those pro wrestling fans!

Well, 1999 has come and gone, and I decided that I would do a column on everything that has happened to me since 1938 and throughout the last millennium.

Just kidding! But, in all honesty, I won’t see as much in this one as I saw in the last one, and it was a heck of time. The good times far outweighed the bad, and the happy times far outdid the sad. I guess it’s supposed to be that way, and as I get older I realize more and more about what’s important and what isn’t.

Here are a few things that were important to me during the 61 years I spent in the last millennium, and they are not in any particular order:

Here are a few things I hope for in the new millennium:

* * * *

I have received a lot of E-mail regarding my column in which I stated that bowling should disassociate itself from "professional" wrestling. The majority of the mail agreed with me, but I did have some folks who thought I should be body-slammed. Once I got through their misspelled words, profanity, and quaint sayings about me and my heritage, I had a better feel for the wrestling audience.

But, the bottom line is that Coca-Cola pulled its ads from wrestling, as did the Army, Navy, and Air Force. The decision of these high-dollar giants was spurred in part by consumer groups’ complaints about the show’s violent and sexual nature.

The Army would have spent $1.6 million of its $10 million annual advertising budget.

I guess I am not the only one who thinks wrestling has crossed the line.

See you on the lanes.

Don Wright is a member of the Bowling Writers Association of America. Visit his web site.